Sharing a Passion for Adventure and Community Involvement

Joanna is a lover of life, a former marathon runner, a traveler and adventurer, a passionate hiker and mountain climber.

In 2008 when leading a trek through the village of Lapubesi to the base camp of Manaslu he met his future wife, Laxmi. After they married, they were able to secure a loan and in 2014 built a trekking house, called Laxmi Hotel. Unfortunately, the earthquake of 2015 and now the Pandemic brought the tourism business down. Ram is a respected leader in his community. He was on the boards of school directors in Lapubesi and is an outspoken advocate for the rights of tourism workers. Ram and Laxmi live with their son, James in Kathmandu.

Ray would like to express special thanks to Kingsbarn Realty Capital for its financial and logistical support of Nepal Without Limits.

Outside of his professional field his passions are volunteer work, community activism, music, travel, the arts and golf. Since his youth Robert has been involved in various charitable causes in the United States and abroad. Some of his volunteer work was done through his church in Kingston, Jamaica and prior to the Pandemic he organized “culture exchange” trips to Cuba. His biggest pride and joy are his two teenage children: Alahna and Robert who have been his favorite travel companions on many overseas trips.